3 Reasons Why You Haven't Opened A Ketamine Clinic
So, you’ve read the scientific articles about ketamine. You’re convinced that it is an effective treatment for pain and mood disorders. You’ve even decided that you want to open a ketamine clinic of your own. But why haven’t you yet? Are you kidding yourself, perhaps? In this blog, we are going to drop some truth bombs, and explain the reasons why you haven’t opened your ketamine clinic and what you can do about it.
If you don’t have a strong enough drive, finding the push to start your own ketamine clinic would be close to impossible. Is it really a priority?
Reason #1: You don’t have the time to figure out how to start your private practice.
Either you don’t have the time, or you just don’t know where or how to figure this out. The reality is, you are comfortable and your drive isn’t strong enough to overcome the difficulties of starting your own business.
The solution: Schedule time into your calendar to make it happen. What isn’t scheduled isn’t done. You have to make it a priority, and a way to make it a priority is to have a clear and strong WHY. Your “Why” is the reason you want to take the risk of starting your own business. It needs to be strong enough to support you through the tough times. Where can you start to figure out how to start your own private practice? HERE! Get your ketamine clinic startup checklist here and read our blog. Here are a few blogs we recommend to get you started:
People around you will have something to say if you start your own ketamine clinic. The worst part? This scares you. So what can you do about it?
Reason #2: You care about what others will think of you.
Some of your colleagues are all about the psychedelic renaissance or totally agree with you about the merits of ketamine. But there is that other segment of the medical community that thinks you’re just trying to make money or simply don’t believe in the therapeutic use of psychedelic medicines. You’re bothered by those potential negative comments. You are afraid of what others will think of you. That fear is holding you back whether you admit it or not!
The solution: We’re going to sound like a broken record here, but you gotta dig deep and get clear on your “Why”. Or another way to look at this is thinking about what your life would look like if you didn’t start your own ketamine clinic. You get to choose a new perspective on this and try this perspective on: people are always going to have their opinions and say negative things. Starting a clinic or not, people are going to have things to say about you! So why not do what you want, anticipating that people will have things to say about it anyway? And while you’re at it, focus on cultivating a deep, strong empowering reason for why you are doing it.
Is your lack of training really holding you back from starting your own ketamine clinic? Or is there another underlying reason?
Reason #3: You don’t have the background or medical training with ketamine.
This reason seems reasonable, right? You wouldn’t dare do a medical procedure or practice outside of your scope of practice. Well guess what?!? You’re wrong. This reason is simply another excuse for you to avoid failure and rejection by your peers. Reflecting back on your current medical practice, we bet that there is something you read in your specialty's latest academic journal and thought, “Hey, that would be great to incorporate into my practice.” So you did. You read up and figured out how to do it yourself. Or perhaps you called a colleague you know who’s done it before or went to a conference and learned how.. You already have experience in learning more than what you have been trained in residency . Learning about ketamine is just another way of helping you better serve your patients.
The solution: Get yourself educated! Join ASKP and attend their ketamine conference. Keep up with the latest research with MAPS to further your education. You can also learn from us. We are doctors just like you who decided they wanted to build their own private practice in ketamine infusions! Sign up here to be notified the next time we are offering our online course!
Anything is Possible
Sometimes what is holding us back from taking the plunge is fear. Fear of failure, fear of being ridiculed, or fear that you’re not good enough. Guess what? Fear is normal. Fear is part of the process! We didn’t start our ketamine clinic fearlessly. We were full of doubt ourselves but got rid of the reasons that were holding us back. All you need is a bit of courage and confidence to realize that your choices are up to YOU. You can do anything you set your mind to!
Discover the top 10 mistakes ketamine clinics make and learn practical strategies to avoid failure and build a thriving, patient-centered practice.