How To Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs When Starting A Ketamine Clinic
In the first part of this 2-part blog series, we gave you the cold truth that it could be YOU who’s stopping yourself from starting your ketamine clinic. And how so? Through limiting beliefs that you have created for yourself. These limiting beliefs or thoughts are what could be preventing you from taking action in starting your ketamine clinic. Your beliefs could stem from past events or from repeated messaging from authority figures in our lives. Most of the time, these beliefs are false and sometimes don’t serve us.
In this second installment, we share with you some actionable tips you can start applying today to help you get rid of or change these limiting beliefs.
Just like getting out of our comfort zone, dispelling ourselves of our limiting beliefs is no easy feat. It takes time and effort to rid yourself of these beliefs and replace them with new, empowering ones.
How to dispel your limiting beliefs
There’s no easy way to do it. We’ve been there. Perhaps it’s actually a life’s work to root out all of our limiting beliefs. Here is the thing, limiting beliefs are being created whenever something happens to you and you create a meaning that is disempowering to you. And from this cycle, we inevitably get more of them.
Here, we hope to give you some guidance on how to start dispelling or transforming those limited beliefs into empowering ones. This requires setting aside some time and taking out a pen and paper (yes we’re talking about journaling!). Write down the beliefs or rather beliefs masquerading as reasons on you why haven’t started taking action then apply one or all of the techniques below:
Nothing is true 100% for everyone, especially the limiting beliefs you set for yourself.
Technique #1: Ask “Is it true 100% of the time for 100% of the population?”
For each of your limiting beliefs, ask this question and be really honest when journaling your answer. Sure you can research online if there is any evidence for or against it, but here’s the thing…nothing is 100%. As you are journaling out this answer or thinking about this, you might notice feelings or thoughts come up like doubt or fear or an inner critic talking down to you. We suggest you just notice these thoughts and feelings but don’t stew in them. Notice and let go. If anything, if these thoughts and feelings come up, they are a sign of how deeply you hold this belief to be true. Have faith and continue on!
One tip to change your limiting beliefs is analyzing and understanding where they come from. From there, do your best to shed a more positive light on them and give them a new meaning.
Technique #2: Identify the source of the belief and give it a new meaning
Doing this really gets down to the roots and is the most transformative for you because it forces you to dig deeper to the core of the belief. Take the example “I have to learn everything about starting a private practice before I start my ketamine clinic.” Digging deeper, you might realize this belief comes from believing you had to “be everything” or “work the hardest” or “be perfect” to be a good doctor or dare we say it, be loved by your parents. Some event in the past could have resulted in you creating some meaning, like “in order to be loved and accepted, I need to be perfect,” which resulted in creating a belief, “I need to be perfect.”
A good example is our past selves believing that we need to be perfect to make our parents happy, which has led to our current selves being perfectionists too. But this belief isn’t empowering in all situations, nor is it supporting you in taking action. So take a moment and identify the source of the belief and the meaning you created from that event. Now create an empowering meaning for that belief. So for example, you can create the meaning that your parents were doing their best to show they cared by pushing you to be the best. And when you start to realize that it’s because your parents cared for you, maybe you’ll start to think that being perfect wasn’t the main goal after all!
Just like how limiting beliefs are self-made, empowering beliefs are created by you too. And through practice, eventually those limiting beliefs will be replaced by the empowering ones you created.
Technique#3: Create new beliefs & practice them
We function on belief, so simply identifying the limiting belief and its sources isn’t enough. We need to replace it with a new belief. So why not one that is empowering? Continuing with the example of “I need to be perfect,” you could replace it with a new belief such as “I strive for excellence” or “I am enough.” Words are powerful and some words have a more positive connotation or energy. The same can be true for negative or triggering words depending on our past experiences and culture. So whatever new belief you create for yourself, use the words that are empowering and energizing. Then practice it. Practice saying the new belief to yourself. When the old belief comes up, you can choose to bring up a new one. We’ll be honest, it isn’t easy. But with practice you may notice a shift or change. There will be times that you are more connected to your old limiting beliefs than your new empowering ones, and that's OKAY!
Be kind with yourself, and acknowledge how you are feeling. Don’t berate yourself for not adopting your empowering belief in that moment. Instead, appreciate yourself, and take it as it is. Acknowledge how you feel and be open to recognizing that you really do have a choice in what you get to believe going forward.
Believe that you are not defined by your limiting beliefs and you have the power to overcome them.
Limiting Beliefs No More!
And there you have it! We each have our own unique set of limiting beliefs and the journey to getting rid of this will also be unique. Also, some limiting beliefs will be harder to get rid of than others. Again, the goal here is to have patience and consistency. Delegate some time to really understand these limiting beliefs and once you’ve taken the necessary steps to move forward, we believe that you’ll be ready to finally start the ketamine clinic you’ve been dreaming of!
Discover strategies to overcome slow growth in your ketamine clinic by reconnecting with your passion and turning challenges into opportunities.